plsgtfo Jan 12, 2009 01:19
why is he taking charge, ffffff this sucks, never taking charge again, lol konoha got nuked, where is dead-sensei, where is pig-face, cancer in a box is a go, as if his life wasn't already cursed, i... have no fucking idea wtf i'm doing, lmf lmf worst leader material ever, so cursed it hurts, where is fatty, being somewhat productive, waaaah daddy waaaah, asuma died of lung cancer ok
plsgtfo Nov 24, 2008 03:50
why is he taking charge, never taking charge again, gaara gtfo, where is pig-face, complain complain complain, lmf lmf worst leader material ever, where is fatty, being somewhat productive
plsgtfo Nov 17, 2008 13:47
why is he taking charge, complain complain complain, ffffff this sucks, has nothing for lee to do, lmf lmf worst leader material ever, being somewhat productive